Fantasy Football Draft Cheat Sheets (Standard and PPR) Updated to V2.0
RosterWatch Nation, the standard and PPR versions of the epic three-step fantasy cheat sheet are now available. Simply click on the “My Account” tab of the website or right here to be taken to the downloads section. Follow the three simple rules and an expert-quality draft is guaranteed.
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I got a trade proposal for draft pick changes. See what you think.
10 man league, 0.5 ppr
I would get:
1st round (7th)
2nd round (14th)
7th round (67th)
I would lose:
2nd round (11th)
4th round (31st)
5th round (50th)
So I would be going from
10, 11, 30, 31, 50, 51, 70, 71, 90, 91, etc.
7, 10, 14, 30, 51, 67, 70. 71, 90, 91, etc.
That’s 3 picks in the top 15 as you can see, but I would only get 1 pick between 30 and 67. Do you think this is a good trade? If not, should I counter?
you get to keep your original first too?
in a 10 team I do that deal. Give me 3 picks in the top 15 in a 10-teamer.
SIAP will there be auction guidelines posted at some point?
Yes, there will be a separate auction sheet. I will get with our webmaster about why it isn’t up yet.
You guys seems really low on Moncrief. In Standard or half ppr I think he will be a top 20 WR! He only played 7 games with Andrew Luck last year and had 5 tds in those games. Book him for atleast 10 tugs this year.
his slotting on the cheat sheet doesn’t have much to do with our ranking of him, it has to do with the construction of the sheet. these are not rankings, instead, this is an incredibly successful tool to make sure you dominate your draft. we recommend always following the three rules. thanks again for the support.
I really enjoy the radio show and I pay to support you guys. Sorry though, I must question the construction of it. You don’t think Moncrief is the 40th best wr, why would he be that low on the rankings or on the cheat sheet?
I don’t see how I would dominate by intentionally drafting wrs above him that neither I nor you think are better. There is absolutely no way I would ever draft Jordan Matthews over him, it seems pretty “cockamamie” to suggest otherwise. The same goes for Diggs, Shephard, Larry Fitz, 12 games of Josh Gordon, Hurns, Golden Tate, Kevin White, John Brown, Corey Coleman. I’m not buying any of that. I think ole Byron got a lil too smokey in Denver, Moncrief should be drastically moved up your sheet IMMEDIATELY!
You’re misunderstanding value based drafting. Moncrief’s PERCEIVED value is much lower than many other WRs. Thus, you can get him lower in the draft without reaching too high for him. Don’t be an ignorant GM. Or, alternatively, please join my league and draft all those mid-tier VALUE WRs in the upper rounds.
Last year, with RosterWatch’s valuable insight, I believed that Devonta Freeman would be a monster and finish as a top 10 RB. Using your flawed philosophy, I would have taken him in the 2nd round. Instead, I used the more intelligent VBD methodology that RosterWatch uses in their cheat sheet, and drafted Freeman much lower in the draft and ended up with 3 of the top 4 RBs, eventually winning the championship.
P.S. You don’t pay “to support [these] guys.” You pay because they offer valuable advice. Your attitude is insulting to them.
Bottom line: Do not bastardize the cheat sheet!
https://fantasyfootballcalculator.com/adp.php…….Moncrief’s ADP is 59……..higher than Matthews, John Brown, Larry Fitz, Kevin White, Josh Gordon, Allen Hurns, Sterling Shephard, Diggs, and Corey Coleman. That’s right, his ADP is ahead of all those guys. He will likely be drafted ahead of most of them, by players who aren’t just sticking to the cheat shit. Maybe you don’t like Moncrief, that would be a different argument, but he shouldn’t be listed as the 40th wr on the sheet, his ADP says he won’t be going that late.
Natascot: You say my attitude is insulting, but I looked at recent draft trends and his ranking(cheat sheet placement) stands out as a mistake that should be fixed. Since you want to be the “join my league guy” send me an invite, I will be happy to join your league.
Question – is the cheat sheet for that says .5ppr the same as standard where there isn’t any points per reception? I assume yes but I just want to make sure. Thanks!
Yes, that is correct- the Standard Sheet is for no point per reception as well as .5 ppr. Welcome to RosterWatch Nation!
Dear mc77,
Read what Alex said about the cheat sheet above, ITS NOT RANKINGS , its a tool, much like you are. Do an actual mock draft with the cheat sheet, Moncrief is always gone because clowns like you overpay for him, exactly what the sheet doesnt want us to do.
I’m a “tool” for pointing out he is too low, that’s cool bro, I won’t resort to name calling. Taking him higher than 40th at wr sure as heck isn’t overpaying for him, but you go ahead and take Coleman, Diggs, Hurns, Gordon, John Brown, Kevin White, and Larry Fitz ahead of him simply because the sheet tells you to.
By the time you get to that part of the sheet its like the 8th or 9th round Moncrief is gone you dolt! there will never be a situation where you choose between Moncrief and Diggs. You have no clue how it works, do an actual mock draft and find out you petri dish. Maybe you just have the sophomore sensation in your pants for Moncrief and its brainwashing you.
Saying that I am a “sophomore sensation” is ironic since it is you who is doing the name calling. Yes in the 8th or 9th round Moncrief will be gone for anyone at Roster Watch who is going strictly by the cheat sheet. His ADP is 59, so in most leagues he will be gone well before that. Since I have “no clue how it works” I will point out the other position players that are listed ahead of him……12 qbs, 14 TEs, and the following players at rb in a STANDARD or half point ppr….Ryan Matthews, Dion Lewis, Jeremy Langford, DeAngelo Williams, Foster, Jeremy Hill, Jon Stewart, Chris Ivory, Melvin Gordon(sure), Rashad Jennings, Ameer Abdullah, Duke Johnson, Gio, Forsett, Gore, Tevin Coleman, Forsett
Nothing is “brainwashing” me, that’s why I pointed out that Moncrief is too low, rather than just following the cheat sheet as you seem to think should be done. The irony in that is strong, seems to be a theme with you, eh?
ha haaaaaaaaaaa you just keep monkey babbling the same thing over and over….. i dont need your tired list of players it’s irrelevant … like one of the other posters stated, the cheat sheet is based on VALUE DRAFTING, there is no value to be had on Moncrief this year, just understand that. And quit watching Moncrief highlights with a pillow over ur lap just in case mom walks in while ur on the computer, its creepy. Convo over..
It seems you think “value drafting” means taking all those rbs and wrs listed ahead of Moncrief. If you want to take lesser players with lower ADPs ahead of Moncrief, do it. I will take Moncrief in the top 80, where he belongs. Carry on with your clever retorts. Good day my sophomoric friend.
Obviously, this issue has gotten too contentious. It’s become a microcosm of how much we love fantasy football. To think that we could all have such a heated argument over Donte F-ing Moncrief…
mc77, you keep speaking about ADP and “Rankings.” If you honestly consider what Average Draft Position means, you’ll understand that at least 50% of the ADP comes from clueless people overdrafting particular players, like Moncrief.
You’ve latched onto Moncrief as a must-have WR who will outperform his value from last year simply based on his performance once Luck returned. Maybe you’re right. Maybe Moncrief will be a stud. Fine. You can overpay for him like all the people who take him too high and push his ADP into the 50s.
However, I still don’t think you quite understand the “cheat sheet.” You mention the following WRs who are above Moncrief on the Cheat Sheet: Coleman, Diggs, Hurns, Gordon, John Brown, Kevin White, and Larry Fitz
Coleman will be the WR1 for CLE, no matter who is at QB.
Diggs will garner the most TGTs on a team with AP, who will pull the Defense into the box and allow Diggs free roam up-field.
Hurns will have a regression in his TDs, but that Jax offense could be real strong and he has a better record than Moncrief.
Gordon was one of the top 5 WRs in the 2+ years he played and his potential is thru the roof.
John Brown is a stud on a team that will throw a TON, with a dominant QB
Kevin White has more talent than Moncrief and he plays opposite Jeffery, leaving him in 1v1 situations all game.
Larry Fitz has shown year after year that he deserves more respect than a newbie like Moncrief.
Meanwhile, Moncrief plays for a team that has one of the worst offensive lines in the game, meaning the chances his QB is injured AGAIN is among the highest in the league. Luck is more likely to miss 6 games than not. Also, his O-line cannot block long enough to allow Moncrief to get down-field.
You take your chances with Moncrief. You may be right and he may be a stud. But, you’ll need to take him in the 5-7th rounds, where I will be taking a TE, QB, or a RB2.
Think of it as “Opportunity Cost.” (Look it up in case you don’t know what it means.) These guys at Rosterwatch understand Opportunity Cost and know that taking Moncrief in Rds 5-7 (with the inherent problems I mentioned above about the O-line and Luck’s injury last year) bring the Opportunity Cost of losing out on a TE1, QB1, or RB2 that brings more value to the overall team.
P.S. My league is full. Since I’ve won it 4 of the last 5 years, I like its current makeup, thank you very much.
We appreciate the support from all members of RosterWatch Nation. All of this feedback is well received, and we love this lively discusssion. All thoughts and ideas are welcomed here. We encourage all of you to contribute to the comments section more often- and continue interacting with each other!
Iam balled up in a corner crying right now.
What just happened
Baron Von Iron Cock may be the best user name I’ve ever seen!
You guys know you are arguing about Donte Moncrief, right?
Hence my statement, “To think that we could all have such a heated argument over Donte F-ing Moncrief…”
I’m ashamed.
I’m with you on that. The Robot Genius would be disgusted.
What’s the scouting report on that steak sandwich at Denver airport?
Great info from Broncos camp, looking forward to hearing the other camp reports, and how mangy Melvin Gordon is.
As I told Alex- if the steak sandwich at Harry and Izzy’s in Indianapolis is the Todd Gurley. Then the steak sammy at DIA is the Ezekiel Elliott
Keeper question help, please.
Should I keep Eli Manning in the 10th?
Weird scoring: 1pt./yd and 25pts./TD.
So a 300 yard, 2TD game is 350 points.
1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 1RB/WR/1TE, 1PK, 1DEF
Do you have other potential keepers? Also, how many teams are in the league?
12 teams.
Other keeper option is Maclin in the 6th.
you’d be getting a 2 round value on either player. I’d keep Manning though.
In a league like mine, where all players earn 1pt/yd. and 25 pts./TD, which draft sheet should I be using? My gut is telling me to use the 2-QB superflex since QB’s score vastly more than other positions. What say you?
I would agree. It works great for leagues that give the edge to qbs. good luck!
This was great RR reading material! Love the show and can’t wait to use the cheat sheet for my up coming drafts!
When I log in to download the standard cheat sheet V 2.0, the only download option I have is the Team Report. Please help.
are you looking under your account?
Please email info@rosterwatch.com with customer service issues (provide email associated w/ your PRO account). We will take care of you promptly!
Just sent the email, thanks.
Hi guys, if I plan to handcuff my top rb, what would you recommend in terms of deviating from the cheat sheet? I suspect the only rb that would likely be taken high is D Williams. So is it worth reaching? I don’t know my draft spot but just want to get general thoughts. Much love.
I honestly wouldn’t reach on anyone other than maybe Williams. After you get your starting 7, you can start to prioritize your keeper
Here are my issues with cheat sheet:
I’ll never be able to draft Brandin Cooks and TY Hilton. They are buried on here. Why?
If you love one of these guys you can reach. One out of turn pick shouldn’t throw you off too badly.
Im keeping ODB in the 14th round . My other options are Allen Robinson in the 2nd, Cam in the 3rd, or Devante Parker in the 16th . its a 12 man ppr also with a .33 per rush. I have the 12th pick in the draft. I have an option to trade Cam for Keenan i could keep in the 12th what should i do
From what I can understand you’re saying you can trade cam for allen who would be a 12th round keeper. If that’s the case I’d probably do that.
I have the 5th pick in a 14 team ppr draft====the only catch is this league gives .3pts per rushing attempt??? I am assuming the top 3 wrs will be gone at 5—do I still trust the list in this case or lean to a RB like AP who gets consistent carries over someone like Hopkins or ARob<> thanks ;;;; this is my first year with RosterWatch pro list —-I am looking forward to an easier time drafting this year
I’d stay the course for the most part and maybe key in on rbs like Murray or gore, who we don’t love but are going to get a ton of carries.
I have a keeper question — I can keep tom brady with 7th round pick — we have a 9 team league and I have the 6 th pick. I am inclined not to exercise his option. What’s your view ?
yes, in a 9 teamer there’s no great incentive to keep him.
Keeper question.. I am having trouble deciding.
.5 ppr and .5 per completion for QBs 1 QB 2 wr 2 Rb and 1 te 1 flex
I am keeping leveon bell round 5
I need to decide between:
Big Ben (13)
Deangelo Williams(19)
Devante parker(19)
Currently leaning towards Williams and Bell. And then will hope to nail the draft with the cheat sheet for viable keepers next year.
Am I dialed? Or would you go Ben or Parker?
i’d stay the course. Qb is a deep field this year.
12 team standard no ppr – I have the twelfth overall pick and can keep either david johnson or julio jones at that pick. Who should I go with? Also, is it worth keeping Amari Cooper with the 36th overall pick?
Jones, and Cooper is worth the pick.
any ideas if v3 will come out before 12 pm cst?
What are the three rules??? I can’t find them anywhere. I’m a newbie
Hey I’m new to this. I’ve done a few mocks using the cheat sheet. I have a few questions. Do you follow the rules to fill the starting positions then go and fill the bench. Or do you keep drafting WR and RB also when is a good time to start drafting kickers and a D? Or am I correct about filling the starting positions first then continue the sheet
Let’s try again. My Ppr league treats TEs as WRs. Do I lower your cheer cheat sheet ranking’s