How To Make A Fantasy Football Trade – RW Doctrine

RW Doctrine: Late Season Trade Doctrine


The first thing you need to understand is that this is not a game about point-hoarding. This is a game about decision-making and optimizing. This game is not about scoring the most points. It is technically about increasing your probability of victory.

Understand this, and understand timelines/patterns of a distinct situation that occurs just prior to the Trade Deadline. The psychology of it starts around now, week 10 as owners are getting antsy about the deadline.

Late season trades made by good fantasy football players serve one purpose: To consolidate depth, and transform it in into equity and value on your starting roster. At this point, you understand your team. You know its strengths and weaknesses, and you have navigated the byes (mostly). You are now fielding your most productive starting roster.

The Trade Doctrine  says how to position yourself in trades, but is an early Season Doctrine. Our resident Swindle Sensei may say “Trade Doctrine is a Trade of Reap, while Late Season Doctrine-ahhh–Trade of Harvest.” Then bow and walk off.

You’ve been loading a gun up with bullets, and now its time to shoot it. Trade Depth, Liquidate, and upgrade in any way possible to increase production on your starting roster. Even if this takes feeling like a “loser” because you are “giving up more points than you are gaining.” Remember, this is not about points. This is about increasing your probability of winning. Remember the Fairness in Fantasy Football Trades Doctrine. Winning trades make both owners feel a little bit hurt.  An even marginal amount of extra equity via production on your starting roster can be a season-changer as we head into the playoffs.




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