RosterWatch 2015 Dynasty Rookie Draft CHEAT SHEET V.1 NOW AVAILABLE
RosterWatch Nation, Version 1.0 of the 2015 RosterWatch Dynasty Rookie Draft Cheat Sheet is now available in the Downloads section. The cheat sheet is free and the three simple rules for using the sheet of paper to dominate your dynasty draft are the same three rules you have followed in redraft leagues using the tool for years. Basically, rules so simple, a toddler could follow them. The Dynasty Cheat Sheet (like the now-world-famous RW redraft Cheat Sheet which will be available later in the summer) is devised for use in both standard and PPR league, but with the dynasty sheet, we’ve used calculations weighted slightly more toward PPR since the vast majority of dynasty leagues award a point-per-reception. Keep checking back to RosterWatch.com to make sure you have the latest version of the Dynasty Cheat Sheet before drafting as things can and will change (sometimes drastically) through the summer as players get in to camps.
Welcome to another fantasy season, RW Nation. Time to kill these dynasty drafts.